44 Davinci Resolve hotkeys and shortcuts to revolutionize your workflow

The Editors

The Editors

8 Minutes

Color correction and post production just got a whole lot easier with these tips & tricks.

What started as a standalone color correction platform, Davinci Resolve has transformed into an all-in-one editing suite primed with all the tools necessary for full-on post production. While it’s recognized as the industry standard for color correction and grading, more than ever, editors and post production professionals are utilizing Davinci start-to-finish for video projects. 

No matter your experience in Davinci Resolve, the list below highlights the most helpful hotkeys and shortcuts to streamline your workflow. Read through this list, take detailed notes and find the bits that work best for you—once you implement these maneuvers in your day-to-day editing process, you’ll find that you are spending less time futzing around in the timeline and more energy on the creative process, getting the project into its final, polished form faster than ever. 


Understanding the fundamentals comes first, no matter your post production focus. These familiar keyboard shortcuts will assist your efforts cutting and pasting segments of your video.

  • Cut: [Ctrl/Cmd + X]
  • Copy: [Ctrl /Cmd + C]
  • Undo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Z]
  • Redo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z]
  • Paste: [Ctrl/Cmd + V]
  • Paste Attribute: [Alt/Option + V]
  • Select All: [Ctrl/Cmd +A]
  • Deselect All: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A] 


Save your work—don’t forget! Or start a new project with one click. These hotkeys make it effortless to begin from scratch or record the progress of your editing tasks. 

  • Save: [Ctrl/Cmd + S]
  • Save As: [Ctrl /Cmd + Shift + S]
  • New Bin: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N]
  • New Timeline: [Ctrl/Cmd + N]
  • Import Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + I]
  • Export Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + E]
  • Deselect all tracks: [Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A]


Here’s where things get interesting—with this list of commands you’ll find yourself completely immersed in the editing process. Whether splitting, splicing or trimming, overwriting an edit or adding a transition between frames, these keyboard shortcuts will become your most coveted tools to increase your productivity in Davinci Resolve. 

  • Trim: [T]
  • Blade: [B]
  • Razor: [Ctrl/Cmd + B]
  • Pointer: [A]
  • Insert edit: [F9]
  • Overwrite edit: [F10]
  • Replace edit: [F11] — Use this function to swap a frame after the color grading process has been completed. Utilizing this shortcut will maintain the color grade from the original frame and apply it to the new clip, preserving your project’s visual aesthetic.
  • Place on top edit: [F12]
  • Delete: [Backspace]
  • Dynamic trim mode: [W] — Use this function as your one-stop-shop for all ripple, slide, slip and roll edits. In Davinci, unlike Adobe Premiere Pro, the trim tool is dynamic and, by hovering over different pieces of the timeline, editors can choose their editing style.
  • Select clips forward: [Y]
  • Edit point type: [U] — Use this function to easily scan through your timeline. Simply press [U] then use the up/down arrow keys to navigate from clip to clip, bringing you between shots faster than manually scrolling from one frame to the next. 
  • Snapping on/off: [N]
  • Split clip: [Ctrl/Cmd + (+) ]
  • Join clip: [Alt/Option + (+) ]
  • Add transition: [Ctrl/Cmd + T]


Intuitively navigating the timeline ensures the smoothest possible editing experience. Maintaining this focus during playback keeps the creative process flowing and with Davinci Resolve’s easy-to-remember keystrokes, you’ll keep track of the last frame while imagining what needs to come next without the headache. 

  • Play (forward): [L]
  • Play (reverse): [J]
  • Stop: [K]
  • Go to first frame: [;]
  • Go to last frame: [‘]
  • Go to previous keyframe: [
  • Go to next keyframe: ]
  • Next clip: Down arrow
  • Previous clip: Up arrow


Avoid scrolling back and forth between one end of the your video timeline to the other. Setting markers in your timeline is the easiest way to navigate between key moments of your story and Davinci Resolve makes it as simple as tapping your keyboard to establish these interest points. 

  • Set mark in: [I]
  • Set mark out: [O]
  • Mark clip: [X]
  • Add Marker: [M]

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The Process

44 Davinci Resolve hotkeys and shortcuts to revolutionize your workflow

Color correction and post production just got a whole lot easier with these tips & tricks.

What started as a standalone color correction platform, Davinci Resolve has transformed into an all-in-one editing suite primed with all the tools necessary for full-on post production. While it’s recognized as the industry standard for color correction and grading, more than ever, editors and post production professionals are utilizing Davinci start-to-finish for video projects. 

No matter your experience in Davinci Resolve, the list below highlights the most helpful hotkeys and shortcuts to streamline your workflow. Read through this list, take detailed notes and find the bits that work best for you—once you implement these maneuvers in your day-to-day editing process, you’ll find that you are spending less time futzing around in the timeline and more energy on the creative process, getting the project into its final, polished form faster than ever. 


Understanding the fundamentals comes first, no matter your post production focus. These familiar keyboard shortcuts will assist your efforts cutting and pasting segments of your video.

  • Cut: [Ctrl/Cmd + X]
  • Copy: [Ctrl /Cmd + C]
  • Undo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Z]
  • Redo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z]
  • Paste: [Ctrl/Cmd + V]
  • Paste Attribute: [Alt/Option + V]
  • Select All: [Ctrl/Cmd +A]
  • Deselect All: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A] 


Save your work—don’t forget! Or start a new project with one click. These hotkeys make it effortless to begin from scratch or record the progress of your editing tasks. 

  • Save: [Ctrl/Cmd + S]
  • Save As: [Ctrl /Cmd + Shift + S]
  • New Bin: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N]
  • New Timeline: [Ctrl/Cmd + N]
  • Import Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + I]
  • Export Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + E]
  • Deselect all tracks: [Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A]


Here’s where things get interesting—with this list of commands you’ll find yourself completely immersed in the editing process. Whether splitting, splicing or trimming, overwriting an edit or adding a transition between frames, these keyboard shortcuts will become your most coveted tools to increase your productivity in Davinci Resolve. 

  • Trim: [T]
  • Blade: [B]
  • Razor: [Ctrl/Cmd + B]
  • Pointer: [A]
  • Insert edit: [F9]
  • Overwrite edit: [F10]
  • Replace edit: [F11] — Use this function to swap a frame after the color grading process has been completed. Utilizing this shortcut will maintain the color grade from the original frame and apply it to the new clip, preserving your project’s visual aesthetic.
  • Place on top edit: [F12]
  • Delete: [Backspace]
  • Dynamic trim mode: [W] — Use this function as your one-stop-shop for all ripple, slide, slip and roll edits. In Davinci, unlike Adobe Premiere Pro, the trim tool is dynamic and, by hovering over different pieces of the timeline, editors can choose their editing style.
  • Select clips forward: [Y]
  • Edit point type: [U] — Use this function to easily scan through your timeline. Simply press [U] then use the up/down arrow keys to navigate from clip to clip, bringing you between shots faster than manually scrolling from one frame to the next. 
  • Snapping on/off: [N]
  • Split clip: [Ctrl/Cmd + (+) ]
  • Join clip: [Alt/Option + (+) ]
  • Add transition: [Ctrl/Cmd + T]


Intuitively navigating the timeline ensures the smoothest possible editing experience. Maintaining this focus during playback keeps the creative process flowing and with Davinci Resolve’s easy-to-remember keystrokes, you’ll keep track of the last frame while imagining what needs to come next without the headache. 

  • Play (forward): [L]
  • Play (reverse): [J]
  • Stop: [K]
  • Go to first frame: [;]
  • Go to last frame: [‘]
  • Go to previous keyframe: [
  • Go to next keyframe: ]
  • Next clip: Down arrow
  • Previous clip: Up arrow


Avoid scrolling back and forth between one end of the your video timeline to the other. Setting markers in your timeline is the easiest way to navigate between key moments of your story and Davinci Resolve makes it as simple as tapping your keyboard to establish these interest points. 

  • Set mark in: [I]
  • Set mark out: [O]
  • Mark clip: [X]
  • Add Marker: [M]

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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The Editors

April 6, 2023

8 Minutes

44 Davinci Resolve hotkeys and shortcuts to revolutionize your workflow

Color correction and post production just got a whole lot easier with these tips & tricks.

What started as a standalone color correction platform, Davinci Resolve has transformed into an all-in-one editing suite primed with all the tools necessary for full-on post production. While it’s recognized as the industry standard for color correction and grading, more than ever, editors and post production professionals are utilizing Davinci start-to-finish for video projects. 

No matter your experience in Davinci Resolve, the list below highlights the most helpful hotkeys and shortcuts to streamline your workflow. Read through this list, take detailed notes and find the bits that work best for you—once you implement these maneuvers in your day-to-day editing process, you’ll find that you are spending less time futzing around in the timeline and more energy on the creative process, getting the project into its final, polished form faster than ever. 


Understanding the fundamentals comes first, no matter your post production focus. These familiar keyboard shortcuts will assist your efforts cutting and pasting segments of your video.

  • Cut: [Ctrl/Cmd + X]
  • Copy: [Ctrl /Cmd + C]
  • Undo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Z]
  • Redo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z]
  • Paste: [Ctrl/Cmd + V]
  • Paste Attribute: [Alt/Option + V]
  • Select All: [Ctrl/Cmd +A]
  • Deselect All: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A] 


Save your work—don’t forget! Or start a new project with one click. These hotkeys make it effortless to begin from scratch or record the progress of your editing tasks. 

  • Save: [Ctrl/Cmd + S]
  • Save As: [Ctrl /Cmd + Shift + S]
  • New Bin: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N]
  • New Timeline: [Ctrl/Cmd + N]
  • Import Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + I]
  • Export Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + E]
  • Deselect all tracks: [Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A]


Here’s where things get interesting—with this list of commands you’ll find yourself completely immersed in the editing process. Whether splitting, splicing or trimming, overwriting an edit or adding a transition between frames, these keyboard shortcuts will become your most coveted tools to increase your productivity in Davinci Resolve. 

  • Trim: [T]
  • Blade: [B]
  • Razor: [Ctrl/Cmd + B]
  • Pointer: [A]
  • Insert edit: [F9]
  • Overwrite edit: [F10]
  • Replace edit: [F11] — Use this function to swap a frame after the color grading process has been completed. Utilizing this shortcut will maintain the color grade from the original frame and apply it to the new clip, preserving your project’s visual aesthetic.
  • Place on top edit: [F12]
  • Delete: [Backspace]
  • Dynamic trim mode: [W] — Use this function as your one-stop-shop for all ripple, slide, slip and roll edits. In Davinci, unlike Adobe Premiere Pro, the trim tool is dynamic and, by hovering over different pieces of the timeline, editors can choose their editing style.
  • Select clips forward: [Y]
  • Edit point type: [U] — Use this function to easily scan through your timeline. Simply press [U] then use the up/down arrow keys to navigate from clip to clip, bringing you between shots faster than manually scrolling from one frame to the next. 
  • Snapping on/off: [N]
  • Split clip: [Ctrl/Cmd + (+) ]
  • Join clip: [Alt/Option + (+) ]
  • Add transition: [Ctrl/Cmd + T]


Intuitively navigating the timeline ensures the smoothest possible editing experience. Maintaining this focus during playback keeps the creative process flowing and with Davinci Resolve’s easy-to-remember keystrokes, you’ll keep track of the last frame while imagining what needs to come next without the headache. 

  • Play (forward): [L]
  • Play (reverse): [J]
  • Stop: [K]
  • Go to first frame: [;]
  • Go to last frame: [‘]
  • Go to previous keyframe: [
  • Go to next keyframe: ]
  • Next clip: Down arrow
  • Previous clip: Up arrow


Avoid scrolling back and forth between one end of the your video timeline to the other. Setting markers in your timeline is the easiest way to navigate between key moments of your story and Davinci Resolve makes it as simple as tapping your keyboard to establish these interest points. 

  • Set mark in: [I]
  • Set mark out: [O]
  • Mark clip: [X]
  • Add Marker: [M]

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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The Editors

April 6, 2023

8 Minutes

44 Davinci Resolve hotkeys and shortcuts to revolutionize your workflow

Color correction and post production just got a whole lot easier with these tips & tricks.

What started as a standalone color correction platform, Davinci Resolve has transformed into an all-in-one editing suite primed with all the tools necessary for full-on post production. While it’s recognized as the industry standard for color correction and grading, more than ever, editors and post production professionals are utilizing Davinci start-to-finish for video projects. 

No matter your experience in Davinci Resolve, the list below highlights the most helpful hotkeys and shortcuts to streamline your workflow. Read through this list, take detailed notes and find the bits that work best for you—once you implement these maneuvers in your day-to-day editing process, you’ll find that you are spending less time futzing around in the timeline and more energy on the creative process, getting the project into its final, polished form faster than ever. 


Understanding the fundamentals comes first, no matter your post production focus. These familiar keyboard shortcuts will assist your efforts cutting and pasting segments of your video.

  • Cut: [Ctrl/Cmd + X]
  • Copy: [Ctrl /Cmd + C]
  • Undo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Z]
  • Redo: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + Z]
  • Paste: [Ctrl/Cmd + V]
  • Paste Attribute: [Alt/Option + V]
  • Select All: [Ctrl/Cmd +A]
  • Deselect All: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + A] 


Save your work—don’t forget! Or start a new project with one click. These hotkeys make it effortless to begin from scratch or record the progress of your editing tasks. 

  • Save: [Ctrl/Cmd + S]
  • Save As: [Ctrl /Cmd + Shift + S]
  • New Bin: [Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + N]
  • New Timeline: [Ctrl/Cmd + N]
  • Import Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + I]
  • Export Project: [Ctrl/Cmd + E]
  • Deselect all tracks: [Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+A]


Here’s where things get interesting—with this list of commands you’ll find yourself completely immersed in the editing process. Whether splitting, splicing or trimming, overwriting an edit or adding a transition between frames, these keyboard shortcuts will become your most coveted tools to increase your productivity in Davinci Resolve. 

  • Trim: [T]
  • Blade: [B]
  • Razor: [Ctrl/Cmd + B]
  • Pointer: [A]
  • Insert edit: [F9]
  • Overwrite edit: [F10]
  • Replace edit: [F11] — Use this function to swap a frame after the color grading process has been completed. Utilizing this shortcut will maintain the color grade from the original frame and apply it to the new clip, preserving your project’s visual aesthetic.
  • Place on top edit: [F12]
  • Delete: [Backspace]
  • Dynamic trim mode: [W] — Use this function as your one-stop-shop for all ripple, slide, slip and roll edits. In Davinci, unlike Adobe Premiere Pro, the trim tool is dynamic and, by hovering over different pieces of the timeline, editors can choose their editing style.
  • Select clips forward: [Y]
  • Edit point type: [U] — Use this function to easily scan through your timeline. Simply press [U] then use the up/down arrow keys to navigate from clip to clip, bringing you between shots faster than manually scrolling from one frame to the next. 
  • Snapping on/off: [N]
  • Split clip: [Ctrl/Cmd + (+) ]
  • Join clip: [Alt/Option + (+) ]
  • Add transition: [Ctrl/Cmd + T]


Intuitively navigating the timeline ensures the smoothest possible editing experience. Maintaining this focus during playback keeps the creative process flowing and with Davinci Resolve’s easy-to-remember keystrokes, you’ll keep track of the last frame while imagining what needs to come next without the headache. 

  • Play (forward): [L]
  • Play (reverse): [J]
  • Stop: [K]
  • Go to first frame: [;]
  • Go to last frame: [‘]
  • Go to previous keyframe: [
  • Go to next keyframe: ]
  • Next clip: Down arrow
  • Previous clip: Up arrow


Avoid scrolling back and forth between one end of the your video timeline to the other. Setting markers in your timeline is the easiest way to navigate between key moments of your story and Davinci Resolve makes it as simple as tapping your keyboard to establish these interest points. 

  • Set mark in: [I]
  • Set mark out: [O]
  • Mark clip: [X]
  • Add Marker: [M]

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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