The future of collaboration exists wherever there is WiFi

Samuel Taggart

Samuel Taggart

7 minutes

Bring the "flow" back into your workflow.

Here you are again… in the studio twiddling your thumbs. Like The Waiting Place where Dr. Suess’ characters mill about being in endless limbo, you’re just… waiting. For the hard drive you need to be delivered to the studio. For the cut to render. To receive comments from a team member. And the list goes on. Sometimes it feels like post production is just one big waiting game when all you really want is to dive back into the editing bay and work your magic.

Media management, storage and access are some of the biggest headaches that contribute to today’s archaic, time-wasting post production process. Whether you’re stuck snail-mailing hard drives between collaborators, wasting time with one more water cooler conversation while a file renders or just feeling shackled by your in-house NAS storage system, it’s clear that the post production workflow is missing half of itself—there’s no “flow” to the workflow. It’s clunky and oftentimes annoying and it makes editing, coloring, everything else feel like work.

When work feels like work, creativity is stifled. When creativity isn’t at its peak, content suffers. It’s easy to see the correlations between streamlined workflows and improved productivity, but it can be harder to recognize the need to shake up pre-existing habits.

In post production, the industry finds itself at a crossroads: Stick with the “old” way of doing things because change is difficult to adopt and continue wasting time, money and energy. Or look to companies like Suite that are pioneering new technologies that make it more cost-effective than ever for post production teams to scale resources, work collaboratively between long distances, and create content with the help of cloud storage.

However, not all cloud storage is created equally. Web-based applications—think Dropbox, Google Drive, Box—can also be maddening for studio professionals. These are simple products not specifically designed for enterprise-scale storage and multi-person, multi-location accessibility. You know how it goes—upload a file, download it, edit it, re-upload it with the edits, and do this over and over until the final cut renders.

Moreso, keeping track of different versions of the edit can become tricky, especially when multiple people working on the same project from different locations. Storing media assets in these programs might make it easy to organize content for a personal project but, for studios and professionals, file access, especially between creatives, is paramount to a smooth editing process. It’s clear—the current post production workflow has its flaws...

Suite's cloud storage connects media teams to their assets in real-time, from anywhere with an internet connection.

But let’s break it down. How does Suite actually enable better collaboration between creatives and studios? Can it really be possible to access and edit media through the cloud in real-time?

Suite transforms the complications of cloud-based workflows into an easy-to-use platform designed to make the lives of creatives better. Suite is a cloud-native filesystem that enables drag-and-drop file management, one-click scalability, Time Machine for easy file recovery, and immediate access to media files, accessible to anyone on your team who has been granted permissions via the Suite app.

It may seem outrageous that this technology exists. It may seem outrageous that this technology exists and your team isn’t implementing it yet. Whatever the case, Suite is redefining the post process and we’re hoping that you’ll join our community of forward-thinking studios. Wherever you have a WiFi connection, you’ll have connectivity to Suite and access to your entire studio. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Through Suite’s cloud storage you can easily add team members and scale your storage, making it easier than ever to work with remote collaborators in real-time on a range of projects. 

Right now, you’re probably caught up in the old way of doing things. When you’re ready to join the community of forward-thinking production studios and post professionals, you know where to find us.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

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The Process

The future of collaboration exists wherever there is WiFi

Bring the "flow" back into your workflow.

Here you are again… in the studio twiddling your thumbs. Like The Waiting Place where Dr. Suess’ characters mill about being in endless limbo, you’re just… waiting. For the hard drive you need to be delivered to the studio. For the cut to render. To receive comments from a team member. And the list goes on. Sometimes it feels like post production is just one big waiting game when all you really want is to dive back into the editing bay and work your magic.

Media management, storage and access are some of the biggest headaches that contribute to today’s archaic, time-wasting post production process. Whether you’re stuck snail-mailing hard drives between collaborators, wasting time with one more water cooler conversation while a file renders or just feeling shackled by your in-house NAS storage system, it’s clear that the post production workflow is missing half of itself—there’s no “flow” to the workflow. It’s clunky and oftentimes annoying and it makes editing, coloring, everything else feel like work.

When work feels like work, creativity is stifled. When creativity isn’t at its peak, content suffers. It’s easy to see the correlations between streamlined workflows and improved productivity, but it can be harder to recognize the need to shake up pre-existing habits.

In post production, the industry finds itself at a crossroads: Stick with the “old” way of doing things because change is difficult to adopt and continue wasting time, money and energy. Or look to companies like Suite that are pioneering new technologies that make it more cost-effective than ever for post production teams to scale resources, work collaboratively between long distances, and create content with the help of cloud storage.

However, not all cloud storage is created equally. Web-based applications—think Dropbox, Google Drive, Box—can also be maddening for studio professionals. These are simple products not specifically designed for enterprise-scale storage and multi-person, multi-location accessibility. You know how it goes—upload a file, download it, edit it, re-upload it with the edits, and do this over and over until the final cut renders.

Moreso, keeping track of different versions of the edit can become tricky, especially when multiple people working on the same project from different locations. Storing media assets in these programs might make it easy to organize content for a personal project but, for studios and professionals, file access, especially between creatives, is paramount to a smooth editing process. It’s clear—the current post production workflow has its flaws...

Suite's cloud storage connects media teams to their assets in real-time, from anywhere with an internet connection.

But let’s break it down. How does Suite actually enable better collaboration between creatives and studios? Can it really be possible to access and edit media through the cloud in real-time?

Suite transforms the complications of cloud-based workflows into an easy-to-use platform designed to make the lives of creatives better. Suite is a cloud-native filesystem that enables drag-and-drop file management, one-click scalability, Time Machine for easy file recovery, and immediate access to media files, accessible to anyone on your team who has been granted permissions via the Suite app.

It may seem outrageous that this technology exists. It may seem outrageous that this technology exists and your team isn’t implementing it yet. Whatever the case, Suite is redefining the post process and we’re hoping that you’ll join our community of forward-thinking studios. Wherever you have a WiFi connection, you’ll have connectivity to Suite and access to your entire studio. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Through Suite’s cloud storage you can easily add team members and scale your storage, making it easier than ever to work with remote collaborators in real-time on a range of projects. 

Right now, you’re probably caught up in the old way of doing things. When you’re ready to join the community of forward-thinking production studios and post professionals, you know where to find us.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

Unleash the power of your creatives
Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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Samuel Taggart

March 9, 2023

7 minutes

The future of collaboration exists wherever there is WiFi

Bring the "flow" back into your workflow.

Here you are again… in the studio twiddling your thumbs. Like The Waiting Place where Dr. Suess’ characters mill about being in endless limbo, you’re just… waiting. For the hard drive you need to be delivered to the studio. For the cut to render. To receive comments from a team member. And the list goes on. Sometimes it feels like post production is just one big waiting game when all you really want is to dive back into the editing bay and work your magic.

Media management, storage and access are some of the biggest headaches that contribute to today’s archaic, time-wasting post production process. Whether you’re stuck snail-mailing hard drives between collaborators, wasting time with one more water cooler conversation while a file renders or just feeling shackled by your in-house NAS storage system, it’s clear that the post production workflow is missing half of itself—there’s no “flow” to the workflow. It’s clunky and oftentimes annoying and it makes editing, coloring, everything else feel like work.

When work feels like work, creativity is stifled. When creativity isn’t at its peak, content suffers. It’s easy to see the correlations between streamlined workflows and improved productivity, but it can be harder to recognize the need to shake up pre-existing habits.

In post production, the industry finds itself at a crossroads: Stick with the “old” way of doing things because change is difficult to adopt and continue wasting time, money and energy. Or look to companies like Suite that are pioneering new technologies that make it more cost-effective than ever for post production teams to scale resources, work collaboratively between long distances, and create content with the help of cloud storage.

However, not all cloud storage is created equally. Web-based applications—think Dropbox, Google Drive, Box—can also be maddening for studio professionals. These are simple products not specifically designed for enterprise-scale storage and multi-person, multi-location accessibility. You know how it goes—upload a file, download it, edit it, re-upload it with the edits, and do this over and over until the final cut renders.

Moreso, keeping track of different versions of the edit can become tricky, especially when multiple people working on the same project from different locations. Storing media assets in these programs might make it easy to organize content for a personal project but, for studios and professionals, file access, especially between creatives, is paramount to a smooth editing process. It’s clear—the current post production workflow has its flaws...

Suite's cloud storage connects media teams to their assets in real-time, from anywhere with an internet connection.

But let’s break it down. How does Suite actually enable better collaboration between creatives and studios? Can it really be possible to access and edit media through the cloud in real-time?

Suite transforms the complications of cloud-based workflows into an easy-to-use platform designed to make the lives of creatives better. Suite is a cloud-native filesystem that enables drag-and-drop file management, one-click scalability, Time Machine for easy file recovery, and immediate access to media files, accessible to anyone on your team who has been granted permissions via the Suite app.

It may seem outrageous that this technology exists. It may seem outrageous that this technology exists and your team isn’t implementing it yet. Whatever the case, Suite is redefining the post process and we’re hoping that you’ll join our community of forward-thinking studios. Wherever you have a WiFi connection, you’ll have connectivity to Suite and access to your entire studio. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Through Suite’s cloud storage you can easily add team members and scale your storage, making it easier than ever to work with remote collaborators in real-time on a range of projects. 

Right now, you’re probably caught up in the old way of doing things. When you’re ready to join the community of forward-thinking production studios and post professionals, you know where to find us.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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Samuel Taggart

March 9, 2023

7 minutes

The future of collaboration exists wherever there is WiFi

Bring the "flow" back into your workflow.

Here you are again… in the studio twiddling your thumbs. Like The Waiting Place where Dr. Suess’ characters mill about being in endless limbo, you’re just… waiting. For the hard drive you need to be delivered to the studio. For the cut to render. To receive comments from a team member. And the list goes on. Sometimes it feels like post production is just one big waiting game when all you really want is to dive back into the editing bay and work your magic.

Media management, storage and access are some of the biggest headaches that contribute to today’s archaic, time-wasting post production process. Whether you’re stuck snail-mailing hard drives between collaborators, wasting time with one more water cooler conversation while a file renders or just feeling shackled by your in-house NAS storage system, it’s clear that the post production workflow is missing half of itself—there’s no “flow” to the workflow. It’s clunky and oftentimes annoying and it makes editing, coloring, everything else feel like work.

When work feels like work, creativity is stifled. When creativity isn’t at its peak, content suffers. It’s easy to see the correlations between streamlined workflows and improved productivity, but it can be harder to recognize the need to shake up pre-existing habits.

In post production, the industry finds itself at a crossroads: Stick with the “old” way of doing things because change is difficult to adopt and continue wasting time, money and energy. Or look to companies like Suite that are pioneering new technologies that make it more cost-effective than ever for post production teams to scale resources, work collaboratively between long distances, and create content with the help of cloud storage.

However, not all cloud storage is created equally. Web-based applications—think Dropbox, Google Drive, Box—can also be maddening for studio professionals. These are simple products not specifically designed for enterprise-scale storage and multi-person, multi-location accessibility. You know how it goes—upload a file, download it, edit it, re-upload it with the edits, and do this over and over until the final cut renders.

Moreso, keeping track of different versions of the edit can become tricky, especially when multiple people working on the same project from different locations. Storing media assets in these programs might make it easy to organize content for a personal project but, for studios and professionals, file access, especially between creatives, is paramount to a smooth editing process. It’s clear—the current post production workflow has its flaws...

Suite's cloud storage connects media teams to their assets in real-time, from anywhere with an internet connection.

But let’s break it down. How does Suite actually enable better collaboration between creatives and studios? Can it really be possible to access and edit media through the cloud in real-time?

Suite transforms the complications of cloud-based workflows into an easy-to-use platform designed to make the lives of creatives better. Suite is a cloud-native filesystem that enables drag-and-drop file management, one-click scalability, Time Machine for easy file recovery, and immediate access to media files, accessible to anyone on your team who has been granted permissions via the Suite app.

It may seem outrageous that this technology exists. It may seem outrageous that this technology exists and your team isn’t implementing it yet. Whatever the case, Suite is redefining the post process and we’re hoping that you’ll join our community of forward-thinking studios. Wherever you have a WiFi connection, you’ll have connectivity to Suite and access to your entire studio. It sounds crazy, but it’s true. Through Suite’s cloud storage you can easily add team members and scale your storage, making it easier than ever to work with remote collaborators in real-time on a range of projects. 

Right now, you’re probably caught up in the old way of doing things. When you’re ready to join the community of forward-thinking production studios and post professionals, you know where to find us.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

Find your flow state
Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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