How to make cloud-based workflows your everyday solution to productivity

Samuel Taggart

Samuel Taggart

10 Minutes

Minimize friction and promote collaboration.

The future of post production will include cloud-based workflows and more remote collaboration between creatives. There’s no way around it. Knowing this, why would you wait to make the switch to cloud storage at your creative studio? There’s really no need to stick to the “old” way of doing things despite how comfortable it might be to stay the course. Because—let’s face it—the post production industry is plagued by outdated workflows, inefficiencies and a lack of forward-thinking solutions to problems that are preventing creatives from maximizing their productivity and efficiency, no matter their location or their proximity to a certain place.

Whether you’re stuck in your studio waiting for hard drives to arrive or just trying to steer your business into its next chapter of growth, the post production process presents all kinds of limitations, restrictions and time-wasters. The technology exists to integrate post production agencies into the cloud—like Suite’s cloud storage—but change can be hard to adopt, especially for a business.

So, we’re here to tell you two things. The first is that (and we hope you already know this)—you don’t want to run a business that’s doing “just fine,” continuing along the path it already knows. You want to run a business that sees opportunities where others don’t. You want to run a business that operates on the cutting edge of creativity, technology and innovation. You want to run a business that provides your post production team all of the tools it needs to maximize its efficiency and creativity. With this in-mind, are you really happy that things are moving along “just fine” for your team? 

The second thing we want to say is that implementing Suite's cloud storage is going to make your life better, and we’re going to spend the rest of the post proving to you why that’s the case. Indulge yourself in the thought and let your mind be open to the possibilities of cloud-based workflows. There’s untapped potential at your fingertips.

The technical benefits.

Suite’s cloud storage provides your studio and your team access to a truly centralized media hub that updates in real-time every instance you press save. With Suite, your media files are managed easily through the app, and permissions can be applied with one-click ensuring the right files are accessible by the right people on your team. One quick upload and everything you need to share is ready for editors, colorists and everyone else to start working. 

Suite works behind the scenes to ensure that transitioning your studio to the cloud is as easy as logging into your favorite television streaming service. When you put Suite’s cloud storage into effect, you and your business will feel the positive effects from a technical side, unlocking the potential of your creatives by providing them with instant access to the media they need to work. But the positive side effects of cloud-based workflows for post production studios doesn't stop there...

The human side of it.

Sure, the technical benefits of Suite’s cloud-based workflows are intriguing. Of course they are—they can help your creative studio reach new heights, take on bigger projects and completely revamp its ability to create groundbreaking content. But the real crux of maximizing your studio’s productivity is realizing how cloud storage workflows will make your life better, your team’s life better and, in effect, how your content will shine brighter because of it.

With centralized media storage connected to the cloud, creative teams can forget about any inability to access media and all the headaches associated with those problems—everything is right where you need it to be, organized how you decide, and updated automatically, so your team can begin editing immediately. Managing remote teams feels more connected than ever through the cloud. Without those usual productivity-killers now a thing of the past, your days just opened up for bigger, better things. 

With that newfound time in your day, think of the possibilities: Now you can spend more time reaching out to your clients, establishing more meaningful relationships and finding opportunities to earn bigger projects. But you won’t stop there. You’re also going to spend more energy looking for new talent in new places and your team of creatives will become as big as your network. Truly, you can collaborate with anyone, anywhere with a WiFi connection.

And the list keeps going. With better visibility and ensured accessibility of your media assets, you’ll earn coveted peace of mind. Imagine actually being able to relax at the end of your day, knowing that all of your media is safely stored and your team has access to the right files if they need to make an edit. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

Utilizing Suite's cloud storage also liberates you to work where you want, how you want. In today’s world that sees increased flexibility in the workplace, the findings are clear—give your employees the days off that they want, or the ability to choose their remote/in-house schedule, and they will return to the editing suite happier, more motivated and, better yet, more productive than before. With you and your team able to access your media from anywhere in the world with a WiFi connection, where would you call home? Who would you ask to join your team? Which dream client would you pitch? 

Bring your studio into the next generation and become a leader in an industry that desperately needs change. Mailing hard drives via snail mail should be something your grandparents talk about, not something you do every day as a post production professional in the modern age. It may feel like taking a big leap, but consider the possibilities and opportunity for growth with a cloud-centric creative workflow. There’s nothing like editing in the same room as your creative team and, until now, there wasn't anything that enabled the same feeling. With Suite, your remote workflow will feel like you’re back in the studio with your editors, maximizing your productivity and profits with real-time collaboration. Cloud-based workflows can become your everyday solution. But the only question that remains is: Are you ready to streamline your team’s creative process?

Click here to start your 14-day Free Trial.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

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The Process

How to make cloud-based workflows your everyday solution to productivity

Minimize friction and promote collaboration.

The future of post production will include cloud-based workflows and more remote collaboration between creatives. There’s no way around it. Knowing this, why would you wait to make the switch to cloud storage at your creative studio? There’s really no need to stick to the “old” way of doing things despite how comfortable it might be to stay the course. Because—let’s face it—the post production industry is plagued by outdated workflows, inefficiencies and a lack of forward-thinking solutions to problems that are preventing creatives from maximizing their productivity and efficiency, no matter their location or their proximity to a certain place.

Whether you’re stuck in your studio waiting for hard drives to arrive or just trying to steer your business into its next chapter of growth, the post production process presents all kinds of limitations, restrictions and time-wasters. The technology exists to integrate post production agencies into the cloud—like Suite’s cloud storage—but change can be hard to adopt, especially for a business.

So, we’re here to tell you two things. The first is that (and we hope you already know this)—you don’t want to run a business that’s doing “just fine,” continuing along the path it already knows. You want to run a business that sees opportunities where others don’t. You want to run a business that operates on the cutting edge of creativity, technology and innovation. You want to run a business that provides your post production team all of the tools it needs to maximize its efficiency and creativity. With this in-mind, are you really happy that things are moving along “just fine” for your team? 

The second thing we want to say is that implementing Suite's cloud storage is going to make your life better, and we’re going to spend the rest of the post proving to you why that’s the case. Indulge yourself in the thought and let your mind be open to the possibilities of cloud-based workflows. There’s untapped potential at your fingertips.

The technical benefits.

Suite’s cloud storage provides your studio and your team access to a truly centralized media hub that updates in real-time every instance you press save. With Suite, your media files are managed easily through the app, and permissions can be applied with one-click ensuring the right files are accessible by the right people on your team. One quick upload and everything you need to share is ready for editors, colorists and everyone else to start working. 

Suite works behind the scenes to ensure that transitioning your studio to the cloud is as easy as logging into your favorite television streaming service. When you put Suite’s cloud storage into effect, you and your business will feel the positive effects from a technical side, unlocking the potential of your creatives by providing them with instant access to the media they need to work. But the positive side effects of cloud-based workflows for post production studios doesn't stop there...

The human side of it.

Sure, the technical benefits of Suite’s cloud-based workflows are intriguing. Of course they are—they can help your creative studio reach new heights, take on bigger projects and completely revamp its ability to create groundbreaking content. But the real crux of maximizing your studio’s productivity is realizing how cloud storage workflows will make your life better, your team’s life better and, in effect, how your content will shine brighter because of it.

With centralized media storage connected to the cloud, creative teams can forget about any inability to access media and all the headaches associated with those problems—everything is right where you need it to be, organized how you decide, and updated automatically, so your team can begin editing immediately. Managing remote teams feels more connected than ever through the cloud. Without those usual productivity-killers now a thing of the past, your days just opened up for bigger, better things. 

With that newfound time in your day, think of the possibilities: Now you can spend more time reaching out to your clients, establishing more meaningful relationships and finding opportunities to earn bigger projects. But you won’t stop there. You’re also going to spend more energy looking for new talent in new places and your team of creatives will become as big as your network. Truly, you can collaborate with anyone, anywhere with a WiFi connection.

And the list keeps going. With better visibility and ensured accessibility of your media assets, you’ll earn coveted peace of mind. Imagine actually being able to relax at the end of your day, knowing that all of your media is safely stored and your team has access to the right files if they need to make an edit. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

Utilizing Suite's cloud storage also liberates you to work where you want, how you want. In today’s world that sees increased flexibility in the workplace, the findings are clear—give your employees the days off that they want, or the ability to choose their remote/in-house schedule, and they will return to the editing suite happier, more motivated and, better yet, more productive than before. With you and your team able to access your media from anywhere in the world with a WiFi connection, where would you call home? Who would you ask to join your team? Which dream client would you pitch? 

Bring your studio into the next generation and become a leader in an industry that desperately needs change. Mailing hard drives via snail mail should be something your grandparents talk about, not something you do every day as a post production professional in the modern age. It may feel like taking a big leap, but consider the possibilities and opportunity for growth with a cloud-centric creative workflow. There’s nothing like editing in the same room as your creative team and, until now, there wasn't anything that enabled the same feeling. With Suite, your remote workflow will feel like you’re back in the studio with your editors, maximizing your productivity and profits with real-time collaboration. Cloud-based workflows can become your everyday solution. But the only question that remains is: Are you ready to streamline your team’s creative process?

Click here to start your 14-day Free Trial.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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Samuel Taggart

March 20, 2023

10 Minutes

How to make cloud-based workflows your everyday solution to productivity

Minimize friction and promote collaboration.

The future of post production will include cloud-based workflows and more remote collaboration between creatives. There’s no way around it. Knowing this, why would you wait to make the switch to cloud storage at your creative studio? There’s really no need to stick to the “old” way of doing things despite how comfortable it might be to stay the course. Because—let’s face it—the post production industry is plagued by outdated workflows, inefficiencies and a lack of forward-thinking solutions to problems that are preventing creatives from maximizing their productivity and efficiency, no matter their location or their proximity to a certain place.

Whether you’re stuck in your studio waiting for hard drives to arrive or just trying to steer your business into its next chapter of growth, the post production process presents all kinds of limitations, restrictions and time-wasters. The technology exists to integrate post production agencies into the cloud—like Suite’s cloud storage—but change can be hard to adopt, especially for a business.

So, we’re here to tell you two things. The first is that (and we hope you already know this)—you don’t want to run a business that’s doing “just fine,” continuing along the path it already knows. You want to run a business that sees opportunities where others don’t. You want to run a business that operates on the cutting edge of creativity, technology and innovation. You want to run a business that provides your post production team all of the tools it needs to maximize its efficiency and creativity. With this in-mind, are you really happy that things are moving along “just fine” for your team? 

The second thing we want to say is that implementing Suite's cloud storage is going to make your life better, and we’re going to spend the rest of the post proving to you why that’s the case. Indulge yourself in the thought and let your mind be open to the possibilities of cloud-based workflows. There’s untapped potential at your fingertips.

The technical benefits.

Suite’s cloud storage provides your studio and your team access to a truly centralized media hub that updates in real-time every instance you press save. With Suite, your media files are managed easily through the app, and permissions can be applied with one-click ensuring the right files are accessible by the right people on your team. One quick upload and everything you need to share is ready for editors, colorists and everyone else to start working. 

Suite works behind the scenes to ensure that transitioning your studio to the cloud is as easy as logging into your favorite television streaming service. When you put Suite’s cloud storage into effect, you and your business will feel the positive effects from a technical side, unlocking the potential of your creatives by providing them with instant access to the media they need to work. But the positive side effects of cloud-based workflows for post production studios doesn't stop there...

The human side of it.

Sure, the technical benefits of Suite’s cloud-based workflows are intriguing. Of course they are—they can help your creative studio reach new heights, take on bigger projects and completely revamp its ability to create groundbreaking content. But the real crux of maximizing your studio’s productivity is realizing how cloud storage workflows will make your life better, your team’s life better and, in effect, how your content will shine brighter because of it.

With centralized media storage connected to the cloud, creative teams can forget about any inability to access media and all the headaches associated with those problems—everything is right where you need it to be, organized how you decide, and updated automatically, so your team can begin editing immediately. Managing remote teams feels more connected than ever through the cloud. Without those usual productivity-killers now a thing of the past, your days just opened up for bigger, better things. 

With that newfound time in your day, think of the possibilities: Now you can spend more time reaching out to your clients, establishing more meaningful relationships and finding opportunities to earn bigger projects. But you won’t stop there. You’re also going to spend more energy looking for new talent in new places and your team of creatives will become as big as your network. Truly, you can collaborate with anyone, anywhere with a WiFi connection.

And the list keeps going. With better visibility and ensured accessibility of your media assets, you’ll earn coveted peace of mind. Imagine actually being able to relax at the end of your day, knowing that all of your media is safely stored and your team has access to the right files if they need to make an edit. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

Utilizing Suite's cloud storage also liberates you to work where you want, how you want. In today’s world that sees increased flexibility in the workplace, the findings are clear—give your employees the days off that they want, or the ability to choose their remote/in-house schedule, and they will return to the editing suite happier, more motivated and, better yet, more productive than before. With you and your team able to access your media from anywhere in the world with a WiFi connection, where would you call home? Who would you ask to join your team? Which dream client would you pitch? 

Bring your studio into the next generation and become a leader in an industry that desperately needs change. Mailing hard drives via snail mail should be something your grandparents talk about, not something you do every day as a post production professional in the modern age. It may feel like taking a big leap, but consider the possibilities and opportunity for growth with a cloud-centric creative workflow. There’s nothing like editing in the same room as your creative team and, until now, there wasn't anything that enabled the same feeling. With Suite, your remote workflow will feel like you’re back in the studio with your editors, maximizing your productivity and profits with real-time collaboration. Cloud-based workflows can become your everyday solution. But the only question that remains is: Are you ready to streamline your team’s creative process?

Click here to start your 14-day Free Trial.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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Samuel Taggart

March 20, 2023

10 Minutes

How to make cloud-based workflows your everyday solution to productivity

Minimize friction and promote collaboration.

The future of post production will include cloud-based workflows and more remote collaboration between creatives. There’s no way around it. Knowing this, why would you wait to make the switch to cloud storage at your creative studio? There’s really no need to stick to the “old” way of doing things despite how comfortable it might be to stay the course. Because—let’s face it—the post production industry is plagued by outdated workflows, inefficiencies and a lack of forward-thinking solutions to problems that are preventing creatives from maximizing their productivity and efficiency, no matter their location or their proximity to a certain place.

Whether you’re stuck in your studio waiting for hard drives to arrive or just trying to steer your business into its next chapter of growth, the post production process presents all kinds of limitations, restrictions and time-wasters. The technology exists to integrate post production agencies into the cloud—like Suite’s cloud storage—but change can be hard to adopt, especially for a business.

So, we’re here to tell you two things. The first is that (and we hope you already know this)—you don’t want to run a business that’s doing “just fine,” continuing along the path it already knows. You want to run a business that sees opportunities where others don’t. You want to run a business that operates on the cutting edge of creativity, technology and innovation. You want to run a business that provides your post production team all of the tools it needs to maximize its efficiency and creativity. With this in-mind, are you really happy that things are moving along “just fine” for your team? 

The second thing we want to say is that implementing Suite's cloud storage is going to make your life better, and we’re going to spend the rest of the post proving to you why that’s the case. Indulge yourself in the thought and let your mind be open to the possibilities of cloud-based workflows. There’s untapped potential at your fingertips.

The technical benefits.

Suite’s cloud storage provides your studio and your team access to a truly centralized media hub that updates in real-time every instance you press save. With Suite, your media files are managed easily through the app, and permissions can be applied with one-click ensuring the right files are accessible by the right people on your team. One quick upload and everything you need to share is ready for editors, colorists and everyone else to start working. 

Suite works behind the scenes to ensure that transitioning your studio to the cloud is as easy as logging into your favorite television streaming service. When you put Suite’s cloud storage into effect, you and your business will feel the positive effects from a technical side, unlocking the potential of your creatives by providing them with instant access to the media they need to work. But the positive side effects of cloud-based workflows for post production studios doesn't stop there...

The human side of it.

Sure, the technical benefits of Suite’s cloud-based workflows are intriguing. Of course they are—they can help your creative studio reach new heights, take on bigger projects and completely revamp its ability to create groundbreaking content. But the real crux of maximizing your studio’s productivity is realizing how cloud storage workflows will make your life better, your team’s life better and, in effect, how your content will shine brighter because of it.

With centralized media storage connected to the cloud, creative teams can forget about any inability to access media and all the headaches associated with those problems—everything is right where you need it to be, organized how you decide, and updated automatically, so your team can begin editing immediately. Managing remote teams feels more connected than ever through the cloud. Without those usual productivity-killers now a thing of the past, your days just opened up for bigger, better things. 

With that newfound time in your day, think of the possibilities: Now you can spend more time reaching out to your clients, establishing more meaningful relationships and finding opportunities to earn bigger projects. But you won’t stop there. You’re also going to spend more energy looking for new talent in new places and your team of creatives will become as big as your network. Truly, you can collaborate with anyone, anywhere with a WiFi connection.

And the list keeps going. With better visibility and ensured accessibility of your media assets, you’ll earn coveted peace of mind. Imagine actually being able to relax at the end of your day, knowing that all of your media is safely stored and your team has access to the right files if they need to make an edit. It’s a nice thought, isn’t it?

Utilizing Suite's cloud storage also liberates you to work where you want, how you want. In today’s world that sees increased flexibility in the workplace, the findings are clear—give your employees the days off that they want, or the ability to choose their remote/in-house schedule, and they will return to the editing suite happier, more motivated and, better yet, more productive than before. With you and your team able to access your media from anywhere in the world with a WiFi connection, where would you call home? Who would you ask to join your team? Which dream client would you pitch? 

Bring your studio into the next generation and become a leader in an industry that desperately needs change. Mailing hard drives via snail mail should be something your grandparents talk about, not something you do every day as a post production professional in the modern age. It may feel like taking a big leap, but consider the possibilities and opportunity for growth with a cloud-centric creative workflow. There’s nothing like editing in the same room as your creative team and, until now, there wasn't anything that enabled the same feeling. With Suite, your remote workflow will feel like you’re back in the studio with your editors, maximizing your productivity and profits with real-time collaboration. Cloud-based workflows can become your everyday solution. But the only question that remains is: Are you ready to streamline your team’s creative process?

Click here to start your 14-day Free Trial.

Samuel Taggart

Sam is the Content Director at Suite Studios. Previously an Editor for legacy print and digital magazines in the outdoor space, Sam recognizes there's a story to tell around every corner.

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Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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