Replacing on-prem with cloud: Why Suite is the source of truth for every file at CDS Visuals

The Editors

The Editors

8 Minutes

CHALLENGE: CDS Visuals encountered numerous obstacles managing video files & collaborating with remote editors spread across multiple time zones. Traditional file transfer methods were slow and cumbersome, adding layers of complexity that hindered efficient workflow, including the need to constantly upload, download, and transfer large video files to remote collaborators created bottlenecks, making it challenging to work cohesively.

WHY SUITE?: Suite provided CDS Visuals with a seamless cloud storage and collaboration platform, allowing immediate access to video files and real-time connectivity to remote editors. Adopting Suite’s cloud storage eliminated delays between in-house & freelance contributors; ensured robust security & redundancy for all files stored on the cloud; and simplified CDS’ workflow, so the growing team can get back to crafting the creative.

“The on-prem server was the heart of our operation—Suite took its place. We dump footage into Suite, our freelancers have access to it immediately, and we can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

— Michael Buschine, Senior Editor, CDS Visuals

CDS Visuals, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a small-but-mighty video production agency specializing in branding & content creation for skilled trades & heavy industry—think construction businesses, paving companies, all the way up to the equipment manufacturers making Front Loaders. “We've permeated the industry,” explains the team’s Senior Editor, Michael Buschine. The team at CDS boasts four full-time, in-house employees that oversee production & post production from a full-service brick-and-mortar studio in Charlotte, and a broad network of editors & animators across multiple time zones. Basically, Buschine & his team are bringing oft-unnoticed brands to life, adding a modern spin to their content marketing & business image. “For the last few years, we’ve seen rapid growth. We’re small, scrappy, and we work hard. Getting the blue-collar teams on-camera is always fun,” he says.

However, media sharing, especially between in-house & remote collaborators became a nuisance. “The biggest trouble was getting footage to remote editors not connected to the in-house server,” recalls Buschine. “There was always lag, something like: Here's all the footage, but it's gonna take, X-amount of hours to upload, download, transfer, whatever. Now, our editors, wherever they're located, areable to work right in Suite. We dump footage & our freelancers have access to it immediately. We can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

Suite shines partly because of its simplicity—it’s a cloud-native filesystem that operates justthe same as a local hard drive, but it’s connects everyone on your team to media in real-time. That means it’s easier than ever to hop into a project & make an edit, especially when you're a team admin. “I'm taking advantage of Suite right now,” says Buschine on the call. “I had an editor send me a project that was great, but there were just a couple additions that could elevate it. Since the other editor is based in New Zealand, instead of waiting for that time cycle, I can jump into the project, add the things I want, and ship it to the client in 20 minutes. We can work seamlessly, as if we're one pipeline.”

Diving into the details, Buschine makes it clear that even when handling heavy files, Suite’s pre-caching features streamline project management. “Whatever I'm working on, I'll pre cache it, then unload it when I'm done; I’ll just cycle through. For our MacBooks, we've actually used the Space Shuttles by Tropic Colour for pre-caching—and, man, it is blazing fast. Time Machine, Suite’s built-in backup system that allows teams to retrieve files exactly as they were down to the millisecond, “has also been a lifesaver,” says Buschine. But security, on the whole, isn’t a concern. “We’re on a 10 terabyte plan currently, and the security & redundancy that Suite provides has been really good for us.”

With a streamlined workflow that enables Buschine to easily connect with remote editors & animators while maintaining full oversight of media, the team at CDS is back to focus on the content. “It's definitely freed us up to be more creative,” he says. “It's simplified our logistics on the post production side; we get to actually craft video. Having immediate access to the Suite Drive also really frees up our team when they're out in the field. That's been huge; for instance, at trade shows, our team can can log into Suite from the floor and get anything they need.”

When it comes to advice for teams that haven’t yet made the switch to cloud storage, Buschine doesn’t mince words. He sees the future the same as many in the M&E industry—the ability to collaborate effortlessly with external creatives will likely shape the success of many businesses, for better or worse. “Don't get left in the dust,” he remarks. “Teams that are using Suite are going to deliver faster—we're going to get the work done. My team's going to have a finished product in their hands sooner than UPS can ship your drive. My client can see it sooner, I can receive feedback sooner. We’re gonna be faster, we’re gonna be more agile. Get on-board & keep up.”

To learn more about Suite’s cloud storage for teams, click here.

The Editors

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Case Studies

Replacing on-prem with cloud: Why Suite is the source of truth for every file at CDS Visuals

CHALLENGE: CDS Visuals encountered numerous obstacles managing video files & collaborating with remote editors spread across multiple time zones. Traditional file transfer methods were slow and cumbersome, adding layers of complexity that hindered efficient workflow, including the need to constantly upload, download, and transfer large video files to remote collaborators created bottlenecks, making it challenging to work cohesively.

WHY SUITE?: Suite provided CDS Visuals with a seamless cloud storage and collaboration platform, allowing immediate access to video files and real-time connectivity to remote editors. Adopting Suite’s cloud storage eliminated delays between in-house & freelance contributors; ensured robust security & redundancy for all files stored on the cloud; and simplified CDS’ workflow, so the growing team can get back to crafting the creative.

“The on-prem server was the heart of our operation—Suite took its place. We dump footage into Suite, our freelancers have access to it immediately, and we can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

— Michael Buschine, Senior Editor, CDS Visuals

CDS Visuals, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a small-but-mighty video production agency specializing in branding & content creation for skilled trades & heavy industry—think construction businesses, paving companies, all the way up to the equipment manufacturers making Front Loaders. “We've permeated the industry,” explains the team’s Senior Editor, Michael Buschine. The team at CDS boasts four full-time, in-house employees that oversee production & post production from a full-service brick-and-mortar studio in Charlotte, and a broad network of editors & animators across multiple time zones. Basically, Buschine & his team are bringing oft-unnoticed brands to life, adding a modern spin to their content marketing & business image. “For the last few years, we’ve seen rapid growth. We’re small, scrappy, and we work hard. Getting the blue-collar teams on-camera is always fun,” he says.

However, media sharing, especially between in-house & remote collaborators became a nuisance. “The biggest trouble was getting footage to remote editors not connected to the in-house server,” recalls Buschine. “There was always lag, something like: Here's all the footage, but it's gonna take, X-amount of hours to upload, download, transfer, whatever. Now, our editors, wherever they're located, areable to work right in Suite. We dump footage & our freelancers have access to it immediately. We can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

Suite shines partly because of its simplicity—it’s a cloud-native filesystem that operates justthe same as a local hard drive, but it’s connects everyone on your team to media in real-time. That means it’s easier than ever to hop into a project & make an edit, especially when you're a team admin. “I'm taking advantage of Suite right now,” says Buschine on the call. “I had an editor send me a project that was great, but there were just a couple additions that could elevate it. Since the other editor is based in New Zealand, instead of waiting for that time cycle, I can jump into the project, add the things I want, and ship it to the client in 20 minutes. We can work seamlessly, as if we're one pipeline.”

Diving into the details, Buschine makes it clear that even when handling heavy files, Suite’s pre-caching features streamline project management. “Whatever I'm working on, I'll pre cache it, then unload it when I'm done; I’ll just cycle through. For our MacBooks, we've actually used the Space Shuttles by Tropic Colour for pre-caching—and, man, it is blazing fast. Time Machine, Suite’s built-in backup system that allows teams to retrieve files exactly as they were down to the millisecond, “has also been a lifesaver,” says Buschine. But security, on the whole, isn’t a concern. “We’re on a 10 terabyte plan currently, and the security & redundancy that Suite provides has been really good for us.”

With a streamlined workflow that enables Buschine to easily connect with remote editors & animators while maintaining full oversight of media, the team at CDS is back to focus on the content. “It's definitely freed us up to be more creative,” he says. “It's simplified our logistics on the post production side; we get to actually craft video. Having immediate access to the Suite Drive also really frees up our team when they're out in the field. That's been huge; for instance, at trade shows, our team can can log into Suite from the floor and get anything they need.”

When it comes to advice for teams that haven’t yet made the switch to cloud storage, Buschine doesn’t mince words. He sees the future the same as many in the M&E industry—the ability to collaborate effortlessly with external creatives will likely shape the success of many businesses, for better or worse. “Don't get left in the dust,” he remarks. “Teams that are using Suite are going to deliver faster—we're going to get the work done. My team's going to have a finished product in their hands sooner than UPS can ship your drive. My client can see it sooner, I can receive feedback sooner. We’re gonna be faster, we’re gonna be more agile. Get on-board & keep up.”

To learn more about Suite’s cloud storage for teams, click here.

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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The Editors

July 8, 2024

8 Minutes

Replacing on-prem with cloud: Why Suite is the source of truth for every file at CDS Visuals

CHALLENGE: CDS Visuals encountered numerous obstacles managing video files & collaborating with remote editors spread across multiple time zones. Traditional file transfer methods were slow and cumbersome, adding layers of complexity that hindered efficient workflow, including the need to constantly upload, download, and transfer large video files to remote collaborators created bottlenecks, making it challenging to work cohesively.

WHY SUITE?: Suite provided CDS Visuals with a seamless cloud storage and collaboration platform, allowing immediate access to video files and real-time connectivity to remote editors. Adopting Suite’s cloud storage eliminated delays between in-house & freelance contributors; ensured robust security & redundancy for all files stored on the cloud; and simplified CDS’ workflow, so the growing team can get back to crafting the creative.

“The on-prem server was the heart of our operation—Suite took its place. We dump footage into Suite, our freelancers have access to it immediately, and we can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

— Michael Buschine, Senior Editor, CDS Visuals

CDS Visuals, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a small-but-mighty video production agency specializing in branding & content creation for skilled trades & heavy industry—think construction businesses, paving companies, all the way up to the equipment manufacturers making Front Loaders. “We've permeated the industry,” explains the team’s Senior Editor, Michael Buschine. The team at CDS boasts four full-time, in-house employees that oversee production & post production from a full-service brick-and-mortar studio in Charlotte, and a broad network of editors & animators across multiple time zones. Basically, Buschine & his team are bringing oft-unnoticed brands to life, adding a modern spin to their content marketing & business image. “For the last few years, we’ve seen rapid growth. We’re small, scrappy, and we work hard. Getting the blue-collar teams on-camera is always fun,” he says.

However, media sharing, especially between in-house & remote collaborators became a nuisance. “The biggest trouble was getting footage to remote editors not connected to the in-house server,” recalls Buschine. “There was always lag, something like: Here's all the footage, but it's gonna take, X-amount of hours to upload, download, transfer, whatever. Now, our editors, wherever they're located, areable to work right in Suite. We dump footage & our freelancers have access to it immediately. We can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

Suite shines partly because of its simplicity—it’s a cloud-native filesystem that operates justthe same as a local hard drive, but it’s connects everyone on your team to media in real-time. That means it’s easier than ever to hop into a project & make an edit, especially when you're a team admin. “I'm taking advantage of Suite right now,” says Buschine on the call. “I had an editor send me a project that was great, but there were just a couple additions that could elevate it. Since the other editor is based in New Zealand, instead of waiting for that time cycle, I can jump into the project, add the things I want, and ship it to the client in 20 minutes. We can work seamlessly, as if we're one pipeline.”

Diving into the details, Buschine makes it clear that even when handling heavy files, Suite’s pre-caching features streamline project management. “Whatever I'm working on, I'll pre cache it, then unload it when I'm done; I’ll just cycle through. For our MacBooks, we've actually used the Space Shuttles by Tropic Colour for pre-caching—and, man, it is blazing fast. Time Machine, Suite’s built-in backup system that allows teams to retrieve files exactly as they were down to the millisecond, “has also been a lifesaver,” says Buschine. But security, on the whole, isn’t a concern. “We’re on a 10 terabyte plan currently, and the security & redundancy that Suite provides has been really good for us.”

With a streamlined workflow that enables Buschine to easily connect with remote editors & animators while maintaining full oversight of media, the team at CDS is back to focus on the content. “It's definitely freed us up to be more creative,” he says. “It's simplified our logistics on the post production side; we get to actually craft video. Having immediate access to the Suite Drive also really frees up our team when they're out in the field. That's been huge; for instance, at trade shows, our team can can log into Suite from the floor and get anything they need.”

When it comes to advice for teams that haven’t yet made the switch to cloud storage, Buschine doesn’t mince words. He sees the future the same as many in the M&E industry—the ability to collaborate effortlessly with external creatives will likely shape the success of many businesses, for better or worse. “Don't get left in the dust,” he remarks. “Teams that are using Suite are going to deliver faster—we're going to get the work done. My team's going to have a finished product in their hands sooner than UPS can ship your drive. My client can see it sooner, I can receive feedback sooner. We’re gonna be faster, we’re gonna be more agile. Get on-board & keep up.”

To learn more about Suite’s cloud storage for teams, click here.

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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The Editors

July 8, 2024

8 Minutes

Replacing on-prem with cloud: Why Suite is the source of truth for every file at CDS Visuals

CHALLENGE: CDS Visuals encountered numerous obstacles managing video files & collaborating with remote editors spread across multiple time zones. Traditional file transfer methods were slow and cumbersome, adding layers of complexity that hindered efficient workflow, including the need to constantly upload, download, and transfer large video files to remote collaborators created bottlenecks, making it challenging to work cohesively.

WHY SUITE?: Suite provided CDS Visuals with a seamless cloud storage and collaboration platform, allowing immediate access to video files and real-time connectivity to remote editors. Adopting Suite’s cloud storage eliminated delays between in-house & freelance contributors; ensured robust security & redundancy for all files stored on the cloud; and simplified CDS’ workflow, so the growing team can get back to crafting the creative.

“The on-prem server was the heart of our operation—Suite took its place. We dump footage into Suite, our freelancers have access to it immediately, and we can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

— Michael Buschine, Senior Editor, CDS Visuals

CDS Visuals, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, is a small-but-mighty video production agency specializing in branding & content creation for skilled trades & heavy industry—think construction businesses, paving companies, all the way up to the equipment manufacturers making Front Loaders. “We've permeated the industry,” explains the team’s Senior Editor, Michael Buschine. The team at CDS boasts four full-time, in-house employees that oversee production & post production from a full-service brick-and-mortar studio in Charlotte, and a broad network of editors & animators across multiple time zones. Basically, Buschine & his team are bringing oft-unnoticed brands to life, adding a modern spin to their content marketing & business image. “For the last few years, we’ve seen rapid growth. We’re small, scrappy, and we work hard. Getting the blue-collar teams on-camera is always fun,” he says.

However, media sharing, especially between in-house & remote collaborators became a nuisance. “The biggest trouble was getting footage to remote editors not connected to the in-house server,” recalls Buschine. “There was always lag, something like: Here's all the footage, but it's gonna take, X-amount of hours to upload, download, transfer, whatever. Now, our editors, wherever they're located, areable to work right in Suite. We dump footage & our freelancers have access to it immediately. We can hop into a project whenever. It's removed the friction.”

Suite shines partly because of its simplicity—it’s a cloud-native filesystem that operates justthe same as a local hard drive, but it’s connects everyone on your team to media in real-time. That means it’s easier than ever to hop into a project & make an edit, especially when you're a team admin. “I'm taking advantage of Suite right now,” says Buschine on the call. “I had an editor send me a project that was great, but there were just a couple additions that could elevate it. Since the other editor is based in New Zealand, instead of waiting for that time cycle, I can jump into the project, add the things I want, and ship it to the client in 20 minutes. We can work seamlessly, as if we're one pipeline.”

Diving into the details, Buschine makes it clear that even when handling heavy files, Suite’s pre-caching features streamline project management. “Whatever I'm working on, I'll pre cache it, then unload it when I'm done; I’ll just cycle through. For our MacBooks, we've actually used the Space Shuttles by Tropic Colour for pre-caching—and, man, it is blazing fast. Time Machine, Suite’s built-in backup system that allows teams to retrieve files exactly as they were down to the millisecond, “has also been a lifesaver,” says Buschine. But security, on the whole, isn’t a concern. “We’re on a 10 terabyte plan currently, and the security & redundancy that Suite provides has been really good for us.”

With a streamlined workflow that enables Buschine to easily connect with remote editors & animators while maintaining full oversight of media, the team at CDS is back to focus on the content. “It's definitely freed us up to be more creative,” he says. “It's simplified our logistics on the post production side; we get to actually craft video. Having immediate access to the Suite Drive also really frees up our team when they're out in the field. That's been huge; for instance, at trade shows, our team can can log into Suite from the floor and get anything they need.”

When it comes to advice for teams that haven’t yet made the switch to cloud storage, Buschine doesn’t mince words. He sees the future the same as many in the M&E industry—the ability to collaborate effortlessly with external creatives will likely shape the success of many businesses, for better or worse. “Don't get left in the dust,” he remarks. “Teams that are using Suite are going to deliver faster—we're going to get the work done. My team's going to have a finished product in their hands sooner than UPS can ship your drive. My client can see it sooner, I can receive feedback sooner. We’re gonna be faster, we’re gonna be more agile. Get on-board & keep up.”

To learn more about Suite’s cloud storage for teams, click here.

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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