Busting bottlenecks: 12 real-world scenarios that reveal the benefits of cloud-based creative workflows

The Editors

The Editors

5 Minutes

Cloud-based workstations thrive on demanding, variable workloads.

In fast-paced creative environments, there's little room for inefficiency. From concept to final cut, it’s always a race to the finish. To expedite the post production process, studios might spend exorbitantly on top-tier hardware, premium cables to optimize internet connection speeds, and other high-end items that streamline the storing and sharing of digital media.

Despite these efforts, however, the process remains clunky. The costs of tech upgrades inevitably add up. There’s no denying that computers, servers, and hardware eventually become obsolete (except for the trusty Ethernet cable), and the setup really only works with employees and collaborators who work physically, in-house from the studio where the equipment lives.

Suite is a virtual creative studio to share, edit, and save media between collaborators in real-time wherever there is WiFi, no matter where a studio is based, or where its employees live. It thrives on demanding workloads, and it isn’t constrained by the same limitations as the clunky, hardware-based workflows creatives currently utilize. Rather, Suite is specifically designed to accelerate the creative process from “cut” to final delivery by allowing teams of any size to easily tap into supercharged cloud-based computers with just the few clicks.

Currently, teams using Suite are completing projects for some of the biggest media houses in the world, including Amazon Prime Video, Google, Netflix, Coca-Cola, Discovery and others. Our clients implement Suite’s scalable, virtual workstations to supercharge the editing process from every angle—enabling lightning-fast render times, instant file sharing, and the ability to work with anyone, from anywhere, with internet. Now, let’s explore 12 real-world scenarios that epitomize how cloud-based workflows can expedite remote collaboration.

SCENARIO: You need to scale your team for a project—quickly!

Project demands can change in an instant, and bigger projects likely require more significant resources. Traditional workflows are unyielding—they require that teams purchase new hardware if there aren’t enough computers to go around in the studio or that those teams must implement a remote workflow, which can be inefficient, inflexible, and resource-intensive, if the help they need isn’t close to home. With Suite Studio, easily scale your team with virtual workstations. Simply add team members to your account, have them download the app, and your editing suite becomes accessible instantly, so you can get back to the creative work that matters most.

SCENARIO: Your deadline is looming and the render is stuck.

Slow renders can ruin a solid day in the editing suite. When you’re dealing with high-resolution footage, complex graphics, and other demanding file types, having adequate computer processing power, sufficient memory, and an up-to-date graphics card can be the difference between an timely editing process and one that leaves your client disappointed. Suite slashes render times by allowing teams to choose their computer specs on the fly—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Now, there’s no need to call IT or upgrade hardware to speed up render times. Simply adjust the compute settings on your Suite workstation and voilà.

SCENARIO: Your editor needs to make a fix, but can’t come into the office.

How many times have you driven back to the studio over the weekend to grab a hard drive? How about those times when you needed to make a last-minute change to a project, but couldn’t access the file? Both local employees and remote contractors are susceptible to falling short on their work, if they can’t access the right files. Traditional systems struggle with this dispersion. Suite makes it possible to collaborate in real-time over vast distances. Virtual workstations facilitate real-time editing between remote editors, any by allowing multiple people to sign into the same project at once as if they were in the same room together.

SCENARIO: Your budget is tight but you want to take on bigger work.

It can take weighty investments to upgrade an editing suite to a professional-grade level. Yet the more capable, faster performing studios more readily earn the opportunity to take on bigger projects. Herein lies the crux—spending can positively influence the efficiency of a studio’s workflow, and the capability of its services, but it requires significant budget upfront. Suite offers pay-as-you-go virtual workstations with supercomputer capabilities. Scale computing power any time you need, add team members without hefty overhead costs, and save your budget.

SCENARIO: Your editor accidentally erased your last round of assets.

Uh-oh, the intern just erased all the files from your last project. Human error. It happens… right? In this situation, the safekeeping of your media is left to the diligence of your employees, and they’re bound to make a mistake or two along the way. In any case, data stored traditionally is tied to the physical security of your hardware—say, if something spills on your server or there’s an office catastrophe, your server/hard drives might not be as safe as you thought. Suite stores media redundantly on the world’s largest cloud providers to ensure the integrity every file. Human errors happen—but your files don’t need to disappear ever again, no matter the circumstances. Upload once to Suite and earn the confidence of the cloud.

SCENARIO: Your project requires special plug-ins—a lot of ‘em.

Post production teams, including video editing, graphics, color correction, and effects departments, utilize an array of computer programs to fine-tune their art forms. But working collaboratively—between in-house creatives or remote personnel—demands that those employees have all the same applications, plug-ins, and tools to edit the files correctly. Suite allows teams to preset tools onto any number of virtual workstations for streamlined onboarding and collaboration. Now, every time a new editor is hired, or a remote collaborator gets thrown into the mix, you don’t need to start from scratch—just spin up a new workstation with your presets via the Suite app, connect your team, and get back to the process.

SCENARIO: You're running out of storage space.

Your studio is buzzing with work, and that’s great news. But, multiple active projects is demanding to your current on-prem storage, and it’s clogging up quickly. Sure, you might buy a few additional hard drives—but that really only patches the problem for a moment. Suite offers  unlimited cloud storage space without the need to invest in new hardware. Our cloud-based workflows make it possible to easily supplement—or completely replace—your current storage, so you no longer have to choose between archiving old projects and making space for everything else in your pipeline. Limitlessly drag, drop, and edit directly on the cloud with Suite.

SCENARIO: You need to collaborate internationally.

Creative teams are relying evermore on remote collaboration to get the job done. This means employees aren’t always close-at-hand, or coming into the office everyday. Moreover, if you’re working with teams of creatives internationally, you have to manage time zones and share media across vast distances. Suite provides a real-time collaborative tool that makes working remotely feel local, like everyone’s in the same room together. Enabling seamless, secure, and efficient editing, streamed through the cloud, teams can complete demanding projects from anywhere, opening the door to working with new collaborators in new places more easily.

SCENARIO: You want to minimize your studio's environmental footprint.

Running a studio with high-end computers can consume significant energy. Meanwhile, sending production crews to faraway places via planes, trains, and automobiles is not the most eco-conscious choice, either. Suite's virtual workstations enable teams to store, share, and edit media instantly through the cloud, subtly reducing your studio's environmental impact. By choosing Suite, you're not only optimizing your workflows for a more efficient future, you’re also enabling your team to make business decisions that have a positive impact on the planet.

SCENARIO: You have an unpredictable workload.

It’s the same in every creative field: Fluctuating between busy peak periods and thumb-twiddling slower times, content-based workloads can vary greatly, which can make it tough for teams to forecast the resources they’ll need to match their ever-changing demands. Suite makes it easy to choose the power your team needs to complete any project, enabling one-click access to supercharged, cloud computers—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Our virtual workstations are scalable any time and thrive on heavy workloads, helping creative teams optimize their resources, no matter how hectic (or sluggish) the next month looks.

SCENARIO: You're juggling multiple projects at once, per usual.

Many creative studios take on more than one assignment at once, with multiple teams of editors and creatives working on any number of different projects simultaneously. Maintaining a well-organized, efficient method of storing, sharing, and editing media is paramount to the entire process working smoothly, and bringing remote editors into the mix makes everything that much harder. With Suite, creative teams access a centralized hub for every step of the process, one place to organize, save, and share the correct files in real-time between collaborators**.**

SCENARIO: You want to review edits with your team in real-time.

Coordinating a team review can be tricky, especially if your team consists of remote employees. Even so, highly structured editing sessions aren’t the same as working down the hall from the rest of your team, where quick fixes and off-the-cuff changes happen easily and naturally. Suite allow multiple users to access and edit the same project files from anywhere in real-time. Once media is uploaded to the cloud, it’s possible to have editors sign in from multiple locations, editing the same project synchronously. Remote workflows have never been more connected; Suite simplifies remote collaboration so creative teams can focus on the task at-hand.

Creative studios have to address a unique headaches when it comes to storing, sharing, and editing media. Whether it’s helping growing teams handle bigger workloads or facilitating more efficient collaboration between key players, at Suite we’re obsessed with making the lives of creatives easier. Our cloud-based workstations empower creative professionals to work uninhibited, whether you're racing against a deadline, expanding your team, or simply adding additional storage to your on-prem setup, Suite is ready to accelerate the process.

To get the specs about Suite’s cloud-based workflows, click here.

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

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Busting bottlenecks: 12 real-world scenarios that reveal the benefits of cloud-based creative workflows

Cloud-based workstations thrive on demanding, variable workloads.

In fast-paced creative environments, there's little room for inefficiency. From concept to final cut, it’s always a race to the finish. To expedite the post production process, studios might spend exorbitantly on top-tier hardware, premium cables to optimize internet connection speeds, and other high-end items that streamline the storing and sharing of digital media.

Despite these efforts, however, the process remains clunky. The costs of tech upgrades inevitably add up. There’s no denying that computers, servers, and hardware eventually become obsolete (except for the trusty Ethernet cable), and the setup really only works with employees and collaborators who work physically, in-house from the studio where the equipment lives.

Suite is a virtual creative studio to share, edit, and save media between collaborators in real-time wherever there is WiFi, no matter where a studio is based, or where its employees live. It thrives on demanding workloads, and it isn’t constrained by the same limitations as the clunky, hardware-based workflows creatives currently utilize. Rather, Suite is specifically designed to accelerate the creative process from “cut” to final delivery by allowing teams of any size to easily tap into supercharged cloud-based computers with just the few clicks.

Currently, teams using Suite are completing projects for some of the biggest media houses in the world, including Amazon Prime Video, Google, Netflix, Coca-Cola, Discovery and others. Our clients implement Suite’s scalable, virtual workstations to supercharge the editing process from every angle—enabling lightning-fast render times, instant file sharing, and the ability to work with anyone, from anywhere, with internet. Now, let’s explore 12 real-world scenarios that epitomize how cloud-based workflows can expedite remote collaboration.

SCENARIO: You need to scale your team for a project—quickly!

Project demands can change in an instant, and bigger projects likely require more significant resources. Traditional workflows are unyielding—they require that teams purchase new hardware if there aren’t enough computers to go around in the studio or that those teams must implement a remote workflow, which can be inefficient, inflexible, and resource-intensive, if the help they need isn’t close to home. With Suite Studio, easily scale your team with virtual workstations. Simply add team members to your account, have them download the app, and your editing suite becomes accessible instantly, so you can get back to the creative work that matters most.

SCENARIO: Your deadline is looming and the render is stuck.

Slow renders can ruin a solid day in the editing suite. When you’re dealing with high-resolution footage, complex graphics, and other demanding file types, having adequate computer processing power, sufficient memory, and an up-to-date graphics card can be the difference between an timely editing process and one that leaves your client disappointed. Suite slashes render times by allowing teams to choose their computer specs on the fly—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Now, there’s no need to call IT or upgrade hardware to speed up render times. Simply adjust the compute settings on your Suite workstation and voilà.

SCENARIO: Your editor needs to make a fix, but can’t come into the office.

How many times have you driven back to the studio over the weekend to grab a hard drive? How about those times when you needed to make a last-minute change to a project, but couldn’t access the file? Both local employees and remote contractors are susceptible to falling short on their work, if they can’t access the right files. Traditional systems struggle with this dispersion. Suite makes it possible to collaborate in real-time over vast distances. Virtual workstations facilitate real-time editing between remote editors, any by allowing multiple people to sign into the same project at once as if they were in the same room together.

SCENARIO: Your budget is tight but you want to take on bigger work.

It can take weighty investments to upgrade an editing suite to a professional-grade level. Yet the more capable, faster performing studios more readily earn the opportunity to take on bigger projects. Herein lies the crux—spending can positively influence the efficiency of a studio’s workflow, and the capability of its services, but it requires significant budget upfront. Suite offers pay-as-you-go virtual workstations with supercomputer capabilities. Scale computing power any time you need, add team members without hefty overhead costs, and save your budget.

SCENARIO: Your editor accidentally erased your last round of assets.

Uh-oh, the intern just erased all the files from your last project. Human error. It happens… right? In this situation, the safekeeping of your media is left to the diligence of your employees, and they’re bound to make a mistake or two along the way. In any case, data stored traditionally is tied to the physical security of your hardware—say, if something spills on your server or there’s an office catastrophe, your server/hard drives might not be as safe as you thought. Suite stores media redundantly on the world’s largest cloud providers to ensure the integrity every file. Human errors happen—but your files don’t need to disappear ever again, no matter the circumstances. Upload once to Suite and earn the confidence of the cloud.

SCENARIO: Your project requires special plug-ins—a lot of ‘em.

Post production teams, including video editing, graphics, color correction, and effects departments, utilize an array of computer programs to fine-tune their art forms. But working collaboratively—between in-house creatives or remote personnel—demands that those employees have all the same applications, plug-ins, and tools to edit the files correctly. Suite allows teams to preset tools onto any number of virtual workstations for streamlined onboarding and collaboration. Now, every time a new editor is hired, or a remote collaborator gets thrown into the mix, you don’t need to start from scratch—just spin up a new workstation with your presets via the Suite app, connect your team, and get back to the process.

SCENARIO: You're running out of storage space.

Your studio is buzzing with work, and that’s great news. But, multiple active projects is demanding to your current on-prem storage, and it’s clogging up quickly. Sure, you might buy a few additional hard drives—but that really only patches the problem for a moment. Suite offers  unlimited cloud storage space without the need to invest in new hardware. Our cloud-based workflows make it possible to easily supplement—or completely replace—your current storage, so you no longer have to choose between archiving old projects and making space for everything else in your pipeline. Limitlessly drag, drop, and edit directly on the cloud with Suite.

SCENARIO: You need to collaborate internationally.

Creative teams are relying evermore on remote collaboration to get the job done. This means employees aren’t always close-at-hand, or coming into the office everyday. Moreover, if you’re working with teams of creatives internationally, you have to manage time zones and share media across vast distances. Suite provides a real-time collaborative tool that makes working remotely feel local, like everyone’s in the same room together. Enabling seamless, secure, and efficient editing, streamed through the cloud, teams can complete demanding projects from anywhere, opening the door to working with new collaborators in new places more easily.

SCENARIO: You want to minimize your studio's environmental footprint.

Running a studio with high-end computers can consume significant energy. Meanwhile, sending production crews to faraway places via planes, trains, and automobiles is not the most eco-conscious choice, either. Suite's virtual workstations enable teams to store, share, and edit media instantly through the cloud, subtly reducing your studio's environmental impact. By choosing Suite, you're not only optimizing your workflows for a more efficient future, you’re also enabling your team to make business decisions that have a positive impact on the planet.

SCENARIO: You have an unpredictable workload.

It’s the same in every creative field: Fluctuating between busy peak periods and thumb-twiddling slower times, content-based workloads can vary greatly, which can make it tough for teams to forecast the resources they’ll need to match their ever-changing demands. Suite makes it easy to choose the power your team needs to complete any project, enabling one-click access to supercharged, cloud computers—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Our virtual workstations are scalable any time and thrive on heavy workloads, helping creative teams optimize their resources, no matter how hectic (or sluggish) the next month looks.

SCENARIO: You're juggling multiple projects at once, per usual.

Many creative studios take on more than one assignment at once, with multiple teams of editors and creatives working on any number of different projects simultaneously. Maintaining a well-organized, efficient method of storing, sharing, and editing media is paramount to the entire process working smoothly, and bringing remote editors into the mix makes everything that much harder. With Suite, creative teams access a centralized hub for every step of the process, one place to organize, save, and share the correct files in real-time between collaborators**.**

SCENARIO: You want to review edits with your team in real-time.

Coordinating a team review can be tricky, especially if your team consists of remote employees. Even so, highly structured editing sessions aren’t the same as working down the hall from the rest of your team, where quick fixes and off-the-cuff changes happen easily and naturally. Suite allow multiple users to access and edit the same project files from anywhere in real-time. Once media is uploaded to the cloud, it’s possible to have editors sign in from multiple locations, editing the same project synchronously. Remote workflows have never been more connected; Suite simplifies remote collaboration so creative teams can focus on the task at-hand.

Creative studios have to address a unique headaches when it comes to storing, sharing, and editing media. Whether it’s helping growing teams handle bigger workloads or facilitating more efficient collaboration between key players, at Suite we’re obsessed with making the lives of creatives easier. Our cloud-based workstations empower creative professionals to work uninhibited, whether you're racing against a deadline, expanding your team, or simply adding additional storage to your on-prem setup, Suite is ready to accelerate the process.

To get the specs about Suite’s cloud-based workflows, click here.

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

Unleash the power of your creatives
Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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The Editors

July 17, 2023

5 Minutes

Busting bottlenecks: 12 real-world scenarios that reveal the benefits of cloud-based creative workflows

Cloud-based workstations thrive on demanding, variable workloads.

In fast-paced creative environments, there's little room for inefficiency. From concept to final cut, it’s always a race to the finish. To expedite the post production process, studios might spend exorbitantly on top-tier hardware, premium cables to optimize internet connection speeds, and other high-end items that streamline the storing and sharing of digital media.

Despite these efforts, however, the process remains clunky. The costs of tech upgrades inevitably add up. There’s no denying that computers, servers, and hardware eventually become obsolete (except for the trusty Ethernet cable), and the setup really only works with employees and collaborators who work physically, in-house from the studio where the equipment lives.

Suite is a virtual creative studio to share, edit, and save media between collaborators in real-time wherever there is WiFi, no matter where a studio is based, or where its employees live. It thrives on demanding workloads, and it isn’t constrained by the same limitations as the clunky, hardware-based workflows creatives currently utilize. Rather, Suite is specifically designed to accelerate the creative process from “cut” to final delivery by allowing teams of any size to easily tap into supercharged cloud-based computers with just the few clicks.

Currently, teams using Suite are completing projects for some of the biggest media houses in the world, including Amazon Prime Video, Google, Netflix, Coca-Cola, Discovery and others. Our clients implement Suite’s scalable, virtual workstations to supercharge the editing process from every angle—enabling lightning-fast render times, instant file sharing, and the ability to work with anyone, from anywhere, with internet. Now, let’s explore 12 real-world scenarios that epitomize how cloud-based workflows can expedite remote collaboration.

SCENARIO: You need to scale your team for a project—quickly!

Project demands can change in an instant, and bigger projects likely require more significant resources. Traditional workflows are unyielding—they require that teams purchase new hardware if there aren’t enough computers to go around in the studio or that those teams must implement a remote workflow, which can be inefficient, inflexible, and resource-intensive, if the help they need isn’t close to home. With Suite Studio, easily scale your team with virtual workstations. Simply add team members to your account, have them download the app, and your editing suite becomes accessible instantly, so you can get back to the creative work that matters most.

SCENARIO: Your deadline is looming and the render is stuck.

Slow renders can ruin a solid day in the editing suite. When you’re dealing with high-resolution footage, complex graphics, and other demanding file types, having adequate computer processing power, sufficient memory, and an up-to-date graphics card can be the difference between an timely editing process and one that leaves your client disappointed. Suite slashes render times by allowing teams to choose their computer specs on the fly—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Now, there’s no need to call IT or upgrade hardware to speed up render times. Simply adjust the compute settings on your Suite workstation and voilà.

SCENARIO: Your editor needs to make a fix, but can’t come into the office.

How many times have you driven back to the studio over the weekend to grab a hard drive? How about those times when you needed to make a last-minute change to a project, but couldn’t access the file? Both local employees and remote contractors are susceptible to falling short on their work, if they can’t access the right files. Traditional systems struggle with this dispersion. Suite makes it possible to collaborate in real-time over vast distances. Virtual workstations facilitate real-time editing between remote editors, any by allowing multiple people to sign into the same project at once as if they were in the same room together.

SCENARIO: Your budget is tight but you want to take on bigger work.

It can take weighty investments to upgrade an editing suite to a professional-grade level. Yet the more capable, faster performing studios more readily earn the opportunity to take on bigger projects. Herein lies the crux—spending can positively influence the efficiency of a studio’s workflow, and the capability of its services, but it requires significant budget upfront. Suite offers pay-as-you-go virtual workstations with supercomputer capabilities. Scale computing power any time you need, add team members without hefty overhead costs, and save your budget.

SCENARIO: Your editor accidentally erased your last round of assets.

Uh-oh, the intern just erased all the files from your last project. Human error. It happens… right? In this situation, the safekeeping of your media is left to the diligence of your employees, and they’re bound to make a mistake or two along the way. In any case, data stored traditionally is tied to the physical security of your hardware—say, if something spills on your server or there’s an office catastrophe, your server/hard drives might not be as safe as you thought. Suite stores media redundantly on the world’s largest cloud providers to ensure the integrity every file. Human errors happen—but your files don’t need to disappear ever again, no matter the circumstances. Upload once to Suite and earn the confidence of the cloud.

SCENARIO: Your project requires special plug-ins—a lot of ‘em.

Post production teams, including video editing, graphics, color correction, and effects departments, utilize an array of computer programs to fine-tune their art forms. But working collaboratively—between in-house creatives or remote personnel—demands that those employees have all the same applications, plug-ins, and tools to edit the files correctly. Suite allows teams to preset tools onto any number of virtual workstations for streamlined onboarding and collaboration. Now, every time a new editor is hired, or a remote collaborator gets thrown into the mix, you don’t need to start from scratch—just spin up a new workstation with your presets via the Suite app, connect your team, and get back to the process.

SCENARIO: You're running out of storage space.

Your studio is buzzing with work, and that’s great news. But, multiple active projects is demanding to your current on-prem storage, and it’s clogging up quickly. Sure, you might buy a few additional hard drives—but that really only patches the problem for a moment. Suite offers  unlimited cloud storage space without the need to invest in new hardware. Our cloud-based workflows make it possible to easily supplement—or completely replace—your current storage, so you no longer have to choose between archiving old projects and making space for everything else in your pipeline. Limitlessly drag, drop, and edit directly on the cloud with Suite.

SCENARIO: You need to collaborate internationally.

Creative teams are relying evermore on remote collaboration to get the job done. This means employees aren’t always close-at-hand, or coming into the office everyday. Moreover, if you’re working with teams of creatives internationally, you have to manage time zones and share media across vast distances. Suite provides a real-time collaborative tool that makes working remotely feel local, like everyone’s in the same room together. Enabling seamless, secure, and efficient editing, streamed through the cloud, teams can complete demanding projects from anywhere, opening the door to working with new collaborators in new places more easily.

SCENARIO: You want to minimize your studio's environmental footprint.

Running a studio with high-end computers can consume significant energy. Meanwhile, sending production crews to faraway places via planes, trains, and automobiles is not the most eco-conscious choice, either. Suite's virtual workstations enable teams to store, share, and edit media instantly through the cloud, subtly reducing your studio's environmental impact. By choosing Suite, you're not only optimizing your workflows for a more efficient future, you’re also enabling your team to make business decisions that have a positive impact on the planet.

SCENARIO: You have an unpredictable workload.

It’s the same in every creative field: Fluctuating between busy peak periods and thumb-twiddling slower times, content-based workloads can vary greatly, which can make it tough for teams to forecast the resources they’ll need to match their ever-changing demands. Suite makes it easy to choose the power your team needs to complete any project, enabling one-click access to supercharged, cloud computers—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Our virtual workstations are scalable any time and thrive on heavy workloads, helping creative teams optimize their resources, no matter how hectic (or sluggish) the next month looks.

SCENARIO: You're juggling multiple projects at once, per usual.

Many creative studios take on more than one assignment at once, with multiple teams of editors and creatives working on any number of different projects simultaneously. Maintaining a well-organized, efficient method of storing, sharing, and editing media is paramount to the entire process working smoothly, and bringing remote editors into the mix makes everything that much harder. With Suite, creative teams access a centralized hub for every step of the process, one place to organize, save, and share the correct files in real-time between collaborators**.**

SCENARIO: You want to review edits with your team in real-time.

Coordinating a team review can be tricky, especially if your team consists of remote employees. Even so, highly structured editing sessions aren’t the same as working down the hall from the rest of your team, where quick fixes and off-the-cuff changes happen easily and naturally. Suite allow multiple users to access and edit the same project files from anywhere in real-time. Once media is uploaded to the cloud, it’s possible to have editors sign in from multiple locations, editing the same project synchronously. Remote workflows have never been more connected; Suite simplifies remote collaboration so creative teams can focus on the task at-hand.

Creative studios have to address a unique headaches when it comes to storing, sharing, and editing media. Whether it’s helping growing teams handle bigger workloads or facilitating more efficient collaboration between key players, at Suite we’re obsessed with making the lives of creatives easier. Our cloud-based workstations empower creative professionals to work uninhibited, whether you're racing against a deadline, expanding your team, or simply adding additional storage to your on-prem setup, Suite is ready to accelerate the process.

To get the specs about Suite’s cloud-based workflows, click here.

The Editors

There are so many great minds contributing to Suite's content & blog, the editors are here to share their perspective.

Move your team to Suite
Suite Studios Cloud based editing and post production

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The Editors

July 17, 2023

5 Minutes

Busting bottlenecks: 12 real-world scenarios that reveal the benefits of cloud-based creative workflows

Cloud-based workstations thrive on demanding, variable workloads.

In fast-paced creative environments, there's little room for inefficiency. From concept to final cut, it’s always a race to the finish. To expedite the post production process, studios might spend exorbitantly on top-tier hardware, premium cables to optimize internet connection speeds, and other high-end items that streamline the storing and sharing of digital media.

Despite these efforts, however, the process remains clunky. The costs of tech upgrades inevitably add up. There’s no denying that computers, servers, and hardware eventually become obsolete (except for the trusty Ethernet cable), and the setup really only works with employees and collaborators who work physically, in-house from the studio where the equipment lives.

Suite is a virtual creative studio to share, edit, and save media between collaborators in real-time wherever there is WiFi, no matter where a studio is based, or where its employees live. It thrives on demanding workloads, and it isn’t constrained by the same limitations as the clunky, hardware-based workflows creatives currently utilize. Rather, Suite is specifically designed to accelerate the creative process from “cut” to final delivery by allowing teams of any size to easily tap into supercharged cloud-based computers with just the few clicks.

Currently, teams using Suite are completing projects for some of the biggest media houses in the world, including Amazon Prime Video, Google, Netflix, Coca-Cola, Discovery and others. Our clients implement Suite’s scalable, virtual workstations to supercharge the editing process from every angle—enabling lightning-fast render times, instant file sharing, and the ability to work with anyone, from anywhere, with internet. Now, let’s explore 12 real-world scenarios that epitomize how cloud-based workflows can expedite remote collaboration.

SCENARIO: You need to scale your team for a project—quickly!

Project demands can change in an instant, and bigger projects likely require more significant resources. Traditional workflows are unyielding—they require that teams purchase new hardware if there aren’t enough computers to go around in the studio or that those teams must implement a remote workflow, which can be inefficient, inflexible, and resource-intensive, if the help they need isn’t close to home. With Suite Studio, easily scale your team with virtual workstations. Simply add team members to your account, have them download the app, and your editing suite becomes accessible instantly, so you can get back to the creative work that matters most.

SCENARIO: Your deadline is looming and the render is stuck.

Slow renders can ruin a solid day in the editing suite. When you’re dealing with high-resolution footage, complex graphics, and other demanding file types, having adequate computer processing power, sufficient memory, and an up-to-date graphics card can be the difference between an timely editing process and one that leaves your client disappointed. Suite slashes render times by allowing teams to choose their computer specs on the fly—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Now, there’s no need to call IT or upgrade hardware to speed up render times. Simply adjust the compute settings on your Suite workstation and voilà.

SCENARIO: Your editor needs to make a fix, but can’t come into the office.

How many times have you driven back to the studio over the weekend to grab a hard drive? How about those times when you needed to make a last-minute change to a project, but couldn’t access the file? Both local employees and remote contractors are susceptible to falling short on their work, if they can’t access the right files. Traditional systems struggle with this dispersion. Suite makes it possible to collaborate in real-time over vast distances. Virtual workstations facilitate real-time editing between remote editors, any by allowing multiple people to sign into the same project at once as if they were in the same room together.

SCENARIO: Your budget is tight but you want to take on bigger work.

It can take weighty investments to upgrade an editing suite to a professional-grade level. Yet the more capable, faster performing studios more readily earn the opportunity to take on bigger projects. Herein lies the crux—spending can positively influence the efficiency of a studio’s workflow, and the capability of its services, but it requires significant budget upfront. Suite offers pay-as-you-go virtual workstations with supercomputer capabilities. Scale computing power any time you need, add team members without hefty overhead costs, and save your budget.

SCENARIO: Your editor accidentally erased your last round of assets.

Uh-oh, the intern just erased all the files from your last project. Human error. It happens… right? In this situation, the safekeeping of your media is left to the diligence of your employees, and they’re bound to make a mistake or two along the way. In any case, data stored traditionally is tied to the physical security of your hardware—say, if something spills on your server or there’s an office catastrophe, your server/hard drives might not be as safe as you thought. Suite stores media redundantly on the world’s largest cloud providers to ensure the integrity every file. Human errors happen—but your files don’t need to disappear ever again, no matter the circumstances. Upload once to Suite and earn the confidence of the cloud.

SCENARIO: Your project requires special plug-ins—a lot of ‘em.

Post production teams, including video editing, graphics, color correction, and effects departments, utilize an array of computer programs to fine-tune their art forms. But working collaboratively—between in-house creatives or remote personnel—demands that those employees have all the same applications, plug-ins, and tools to edit the files correctly. Suite allows teams to preset tools onto any number of virtual workstations for streamlined onboarding and collaboration. Now, every time a new editor is hired, or a remote collaborator gets thrown into the mix, you don’t need to start from scratch—just spin up a new workstation with your presets via the Suite app, connect your team, and get back to the process.

SCENARIO: You're running out of storage space.

Your studio is buzzing with work, and that’s great news. But, multiple active projects is demanding to your current on-prem storage, and it’s clogging up quickly. Sure, you might buy a few additional hard drives—but that really only patches the problem for a moment. Suite offers  unlimited cloud storage space without the need to invest in new hardware. Our cloud-based workflows make it possible to easily supplement—or completely replace—your current storage, so you no longer have to choose between archiving old projects and making space for everything else in your pipeline. Limitlessly drag, drop, and edit directly on the cloud with Suite.

SCENARIO: You need to collaborate internationally.

Creative teams are relying evermore on remote collaboration to get the job done. This means employees aren’t always close-at-hand, or coming into the office everyday. Moreover, if you’re working with teams of creatives internationally, you have to manage time zones and share media across vast distances. Suite provides a real-time collaborative tool that makes working remotely feel local, like everyone’s in the same room together. Enabling seamless, secure, and efficient editing, streamed through the cloud, teams can complete demanding projects from anywhere, opening the door to working with new collaborators in new places more easily.

SCENARIO: You want to minimize your studio's environmental footprint.

Running a studio with high-end computers can consume significant energy. Meanwhile, sending production crews to faraway places via planes, trains, and automobiles is not the most eco-conscious choice, either. Suite's virtual workstations enable teams to store, share, and edit media instantly through the cloud, subtly reducing your studio's environmental impact. By choosing Suite, you're not only optimizing your workflows for a more efficient future, you’re also enabling your team to make business decisions that have a positive impact on the planet.

SCENARIO: You have an unpredictable workload.

It’s the same in every creative field: Fluctuating between busy peak periods and thumb-twiddling slower times, content-based workloads can vary greatly, which can make it tough for teams to forecast the resources they’ll need to match their ever-changing demands. Suite makes it easy to choose the power your team needs to complete any project, enabling one-click access to supercharged, cloud computers—topping out at over 350 GB of RAM and 200 CPU Cores. Our virtual workstations are scalable any time and thrive on heavy workloads, helping creative teams optimize their resources, no matter how hectic (or sluggish) the next month looks.

SCENARIO: You're juggling multiple projects at once, per usual.

Many creative studios take on more than one assignment at once, with multiple teams of editors and creatives working on any number of different projects simultaneously. Maintaining a well-organized, efficient method of storing, sharing, and editing media is paramount to the entire process working smoothly, and bringing remote editors into the mix makes everything that much harder. With Suite, creative teams access a centralized hub for every step of the process, one place to organize, save, and share the correct files in real-time between collaborators**.**

SCENARIO: You want to review edits with your team in real-time.

Coordinating a team review can be tricky, especially if your team consists of remote employees. Even so, highly structured editing sessions aren’t the same as working down the hall from the rest of your team, where quick fixes and off-the-cuff changes happen easily and naturally. Suite allow multiple users to access and edit the same project files from anywhere in real-time. Once media is uploaded to the cloud, it’s possible to have editors sign in from multiple locations, editing the same project synchronously. Remote workflows have never been more connected; Suite simplifies remote collaboration so creative teams can focus on the task at-hand.

Creative studios have to address a unique headaches when it comes to storing, sharing, and editing media. Whether it’s helping growing teams handle bigger workloads or facilitating more efficient collaboration between key players, at Suite we’re obsessed with making the lives of creatives easier. Our cloud-based workstations empower creative professionals to work uninhibited, whether you're racing against a deadline, expanding your team, or simply adding additional storage to your on-prem setup, Suite is ready to accelerate the process.

To get the specs about Suite’s cloud-based workflows, click here.

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